Sunday, April 3, 2011

No Holiday from Jesus - Part 6

Tonight we finished reading our bedtime story - Pilgrim’s Progress. Finishing a book is always a bitter-sweet moment. Sweet because the climax has been reached and everything to know is now known. Bitter because a wonderful journey has now finished and there is no more to come.

However the entire experience has been a sweet one from start to finish. Every night the boys have asked for more when I closed the book. Every night they have greeted the time with enthusiasm and joy. Every night at least one has remembered what has come before and each has helped remind the others where we are up to. Every night probing spiritual questions have been pondered and glorious reflections of God’s grace have been revealed. Every night they have lamented the struggles of believers, the fall of unbelievers and have rejoiced at every good decision the pilgrims have made. Every night we have considered our blessed place in God’s family and been greatly thankful of his unmerited kindness to us as his children. Every night the prayers have been heartfelt and the following sleep has been peaceful.

What a privilege it is to walk the walk with great ones of the faith like John Bunyan and to share these glorious things with our sons. Bunyan has indeed been the teacher of Matthew 13:52, showing us spiritual treasures new and old with every page we have devoured together. What a joy this has been and yet the journey is not complete. If the Lord should tarry, there are many years to come in which we will be called upon to disciple our Sons, not exasperating them, but bringing them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4). May he bless all those days as he has blessed these ones, and when they are dry and difficult, may the remembrance of these days give us courage for the task once more.


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