Saturday, April 30, 2011

Purple Pants in Strasbourg

Strasbourg is a picturesque university town in France, right near the border with Germany. So close that the land has changed hands many times in the last few hundred years and so the locals are both French and German solidly mixed. It is famous for all kinds of things like being the capital city of the European Union. On the tourist end there are also the lovely cobbled streets, and many small bridges across split canals of the Rhine river. The streets are old, the houses are old and the city is a mix of quaint, intellectual and international.

Now every city has its unemployed yet perhaps none are as hard working as the two men we met today. Whilst driving around these very narrow streets trying to park our RV so we could stop, eat and look around, a shabbily dressed young man suddenly shouted at us from the street “Parking” and gesticulated wildly off to the left where another man was standing near a whole bunch of parked cars. Was this a Valet service? Were these men seeking to rob us? Was there really a parking spot there amongst 100 other cars arranged haphazardly on a side road?

Having few options we decided to take the adventure before us and try our luck. The second man was about 50 years old and was wearing the most wonderful pair of purple pants. The last time we had seen pants like these was on Gene Wilder playing Willy Wonka. And just like Willy Wonka, these purple pants promised much and boy could they move! Purple Pants and his younger mate were off shouting instructions in French and running down the street to where we might be able to park.

Through a maze of side street vehicles, over a gutter, back onto the main road and then left down another side street. We couldn’t believe our eyes, Purple Pants was 50m in front and the younger guy was 20m in front of our vehicle running along the road occasionally weaving through oncoming traffic to take short cuts. The boys and Karen were in stitches and I was wondering how much these guys got paid for their fantastic service.

Finally they found us the perfect spot and in we went, they however did not leave. Purple Pants and his mate carefully guided me into the spot and then stood at the drivers door waiting for … what … a pat on the head? Not knowing what would come next I locked everyone in the RV and went to thank them. They were well pleased with themselves and were both speaking at once giving me instructions about something. Was it French? Was it German? Was it something else? It certainly wasn’t English and they weren’t asking for money as far as I could tell. I eventually worked out they were telling me it was a free parking spot for the next 2 hours, they had done it and I was grateful.

Two Euros each was a small price to pay for their kindness – only double that of what the spot would have cost if I’d paid for it! However the entertainment was more than worth it but I don’t think they will be declaring this on their tax returns.


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