When we are at home, we have quite a few Easter traditions – bible readings and fun activities in the week before, memory verses, church attendance, and a special meal with friends on Easter Sunday with a lamb roast, Nigella’s chocolate nest cake, egg hunts and games.
Our boys were very concerned – how would we manage all this while away? What would we do? Easter came at a time when we were all feeling a bit homesick, especially for our church family and for remembering Jesus’ death and resurrection with them. I emailed this to my mum who (wise woman that she is) encouraged me to make this Easter a special one for our family because it is different – an Easter to remember.
So, we did (or at least we tried!) All week we ate fantastic hot cross buns – fruit but also apple and cinnamon and orange and cranberry (my fave!)On Good Friday we had a special ‘service’ in our flat – we washed each other’s feet and read about Jesus’ death for us. We also had a yummy Good Friday dinner as a special meal. On Sunday we woke up to our decorated flat (thanks to bunting and Easter banners, very English!) and our special eggs, read the resurrection story then went to church at St Helen’s Bishopsgate. It was terrific to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with fellow Christians, to hear the bible and a great sermon, to sing the old hymns, to share in the Lord’s Supper and to chat and enjoy hot cross buns at morning tea. The boys went to Sunday School and loved that too.
It reminded us that Jesus’ death and resurrection is a universal story, celebrated by believers the world over, and that God’s love and His family everywhere have been a great joy to us during our whole trip. Truly, an Easter to remember.
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