Yesterday morning we got up and 6am in the morning and caught 2 buses to Victoria Station where the bus which would take us to Legoland was waiting. We got on and got seats at the back of the bus. The trip took 2 hours so we played our DS’s for entertainment. When we arrived we got off and walked to the entrance and bought tickets to go in.
The entrance was very big and had life size Lego bricks and Lego men all over it. It looked really good. Then we entered in. Once we were all inside we had a look around taking in all the surroundings. There was legop nearly everywhere! After a good look around we headed on past sculptures and other exhibits till we arrived at Driving School. Driving School is a ride where you drive a Lego Fiat car around a life like road with traffic lights, stop signs, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings. It was all very fun. Next we walked to the far side of the park and went on a ride called Dragon. Dragon was a roller-coaster that goes around and through a castle, going through different Lego scenes. They were all life like and really brilliant, leading up to entering a dragon’s lair with a huge moving Lego dragon which blew hot steam at us. It was fun and very interesting. Thirdly we went on Jolly Rocker, which was a ride on a Pirate Ship which was attached to a pole which was attached to a few more poles, which were attached to an engine thingy which made you swing really high from side to side. Next we sat down on a bench and had lunch.
After lunch we walked over to the Pirates of Skeleton Bay Extreme Stunt Show. It was fun and clever, but it didn’t have much to do with Lego, though it was easy to enjoy. Sixthly we walked over to a ride called Rocket Races. It is a ride where you create your own Lego mini-figure and car and you get to race it against others on a track. It is all done electronically and the race is on a racing arcade sort of thing like Mario Cart. It was heaps of fun and I had a great time. Next we walked to mini land which was a series of world-wide Lego sculptures. It had Scotland, Denmark, England USA & Italy. I recognised lots of Lego buildings and places from the USA and from England. The entire thing was incredible and had everything perfect! Then we bought the things we wanted from the Lego shop and left Legoland. We caught another bus back to London where we had Maccas for dinner at Victoria Station. Then we caught another bus back to our flat, had dinner, got into our pj’s and went to bed.
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