Sunday, February 13, 2011

LA Story

Some stats from our LA stay:

Number of hours in LA 70
Number of hours to clear customs 2
How long since Karen has been to the Parrishes 21 years
How long since Mike was last in California 27 years
Number of meals we were here for 9
Number of meals we ate out 6
Size of soft drinks(sodas) at Knotts Berry Farm 20 fl oz (591 mL)
Number of times Luke rode a roller coaster at Knotts 13
Largest road we drove on 18 lanes across
How many yellow school buses Max saw a lot
How many hours sleep we had on Wednesday night before flying to Orlando 4


1 comment:

  1. I with you Luke, which one did you go on 13 times. Was it the Xcelerator, cos I would understand that as it is so quick it takes a few time to register that you have even been on it!!! LOL Have fun!
