Saturday, February 19, 2011

Of Hats & Lightsabers

How could these possibly be related? Trouble, that’s how!

Let’s begin with the hats. As I write we’ve just returned from Disney Lost & Found, which thankfully exists. Yep we’ve been losing hats everywhere. To date only Luke and Karen haven’t lost their hats. Mine turned up the next day (hidden under a seat in the car), Aidan’s turned up 5 days after it was replaced (behind the TV), Ethan’s is still not found and has since been replaced (we think it’s somewhere in L.A though it had had an earlier escape attempt on the plane just as we came in from Aus), and Max’s brand new L.A. cap came back to us today (after spending at least 5 days at Hollywood Studios). Will we return to Australia with any of our original hats? If anyone out there is a “bookie” I reckon there’s money to be made on taking bets per hat, per person … any takers?

And then there’s create your own lightsabers. For a bargain $22 you can create your own by screwing and/or clipping together 7 different sections (each with multiple options). They light up and a 3-way duel on a dark night in the camp ground is quite the spectacle. Now this has got to be a big money spinner for Disney – except when the Williamson’s show up! Two of our sons managed to build one each and they worked perfectly. Another son (who will remain nameless) put his together and then 30 mins after leaving the shop it stopped working. So we returned and they replaced it willingly as this apparently never happens. Yet it did this time and it did again later that same day, then again, and again, and again, and again. A total of 6 trips back to the same shop and their basket of rejects was growing alarmingly. A mini staff conference followed the last transaction, but with typical Disney smiles, apologies and enthusiasm they offered to keep on swapping whilst ever we kept returning. How many more? Only time will tell.


1 comment:

  1. *chuckle* :) Those light sabers sound fun!
