Thursday, March 3, 2011

Alligators, and other dangerous things

**reader warning - grandparents of our children and other gentle readers may wish to stop before continuing below**

This holiday has not been without dangerous encounters! On Saturday we went on an airboat ride in the Everglades, a very large, swampy national park in the south of Florida. Does anyone else remember the 70's show with Gentle Ben? I was glad to recreate it! We saw heaps of alligators next to our boat, also snapping turtles (yes, really!) and beautiful birds as well as vultures and buzzards. It was fantastic! And when we returned we could hold an alligator too!

an airboat in the Everglades

ok, well he's not exactly huge, but he was slimy!

The next day we met up with our friends Kelly & Jeff, and her son Wyatt & his girlfriend Kallie. Kelly is part of the family I stayed with in 1986 (we visited with the rest of her family in LA a few weeks ago). They had organised for the boys to go bungee jumping... at the local mall!

Max headed for the ceiling

And, to round off a hair raising 24 hours, when we returned to Kelly's house, Wyatt set up a target in the backyard and showed the boys how to shoot his gun.

Well, none of it was actually that dangerous (except for the danger to Kelly's shed, behind the target) but it was certainly not what we would have done in 24 hours in Shellharbour!

To top it all off, we showed those gators who's boss!

alligator tails for dinner!


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