15th March 2011
First we woke up and did presents. I got a snickers bar, M n M's, Reeses peanut butter cups, a watch, a teddy mascot from the snowtubing park, a wand from Ollivanders, a Jedi Training Academy jacket and a Gryffindor bag tag. Then we had breakfast, packed our bags and left.
We hopped on a bus and went to Union station and left our bags there. We then walked to the old Post Office tower which is the second highest building in Washington. We went to the very top. On the way there we went past a memorial to all the police officers from the US who have been killed in action. There are more than 19 000 of them. Some were killed by Billy the Kid and some on September 11th.
Then we had morning tea. I was allowed to have a hot chocolate and mum and I shared a red velvet cupcake and a cinnamon scone. Then we went to a bookshop which was huge. I bought a book with some birthday money from nana and grandpa.
Then we went to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. At the M.N.H. we saw: a giant squid, an elephant (it was stuffed, like in Night at the Museum), the Hope diamond and other jewels, dinosaur bones and even some Australian animals.
First we woke up and did presents. I got a snickers bar, M n M's, Reeses peanut butter cups, a watch, a teddy mascot from the snowtubing park, a wand from Ollivanders, a Jedi Training Academy jacket and a Gryffindor bag tag. Then we had breakfast, packed our bags and left.
We hopped on a bus and went to Union station and left our bags there. We then walked to the old Post Office tower which is the second highest building in Washington. We went to the very top. On the way there we went past a memorial to all the police officers from the US who have been killed in action. There are more than 19 000 of them. Some were killed by Billy the Kid and some on September 11th.
Then we had morning tea. I was allowed to have a hot chocolate and mum and I shared a red velvet cupcake and a cinnamon scone. Then we went to a bookshop which was huge. I bought a book with some birthday money from nana and grandpa.
Then we went to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. At the M.N.H. we saw: a giant squid, an elephant (it was stuffed, like in Night at the Museum), the Hope diamond and other jewels, dinosaur bones and even some Australian animals.
Glad you had a great birthday Ethan. I love the photo of you and your mum!